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Hi there! 

So I guess we should tell you a little bit about ourselves. Meaghan and I (Jaiann) always used to get asked if we were twins when we were growing up. We do look a lot alike, but we were also always attached to each other's hip since the day Meaghan was born. We knew it was gonna be a great relationship when I was only two and offering to change her diaper haha. Meaghan and I did alot with each other, but also our siblings as well. We are from a family of seven kids and we are the third and fourth down the line. People always asked us, and still to this day ask, questions along the lines of "don't you get sick of having so many siblings" or "wow do your parent not have hobbies?". To tell you the truth, it was amazing growing up with all our wonderful siblings. There was, and is always someone there for you whenever you need, and we make so many amazing memories together. 

Meaghan is actually the one that started in photography first. She has a natural eye for capturing the raw beauty in objects or people, so she excelled at it in school. Naturally after watching her I began to get involved as well, and my love for it keeps growing. She has taught me alot about the industry, programs, and equiptment, and I couldn't be happier to share this new found passion with my best friend! 

We decided together that we should try and make photography into a living since we both love it so much. So here we are venturing off into the competitive photogrpahy world together. We have big goals and with your help, plan to achieve them! It will take lots of hard work and dedication, but we are ecstatic to start this journey!  

Thankyou for all your support and love! 

Jaiann & Meaghan ​

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